How to Meditate to Feel Calm and Serene
Image: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels
Have you ever tried meditating? It can do wonders for your wellbeing to take a little time out of your day to relax. This coming August at The Beauty Editor we're focusing on slowing down and meditation is a great way to do just that.
A couple of years ago I did a Vedic meditation course and I learned that meditating isn't about emptying your mind. That is pretty much impossible. Instead, it's about acknowledging the thoughts that will inevitably drift in and out of your mind when you're meditating but allowing them to float away, like clouds in the sky. Vedic meditation involves repeating a mantra (a short word) over and over in your mind until you reach a transcendental state, somewhere between consciousness and sleep. It takes practice and the teachers suggest you meditate for 20 minutes, twice a day. That's not do-able for everyone and, in fact, just taking a few minutes out when you're feeling anxious to close your eyes and breathe deeply can make the world of difference.
I really enjoy sound baths, another form of meditation, where you lie in a room with a pillow under your head and a throw over you to keep you warm (already sounds good, right?). The teacher will then play a series of sounds using crystal bowls and gongs to help lull you into a meditative state. While we can't be in a room with other people right now, you can find sound bath soundtracks on Spotify so you can re-create a session at home.
Regular meditation can help you deal with stress more effectively, can prevent you from feeling anxious or overwhelmed so easily. It can even help ease high blood pressure and IBS.
When it comes to meditating you can sit in a chair or on the floor, eyes closed for a few minutes. You can take yourself outside for a walk and listen to a calming playlist, or you can lie down. Whatever feels good for you. Tempted to try meditating? Here are a couple of guided meditations we enjoy...
It might take you a while to find the style of meditation you like, but take your time and enjoy the process.